Clean Mobile Power for the Entertainment Industry

Clean Mobile Power for the Entertainment Industry
Published on
November 30, 2023

The buzz around clean energy is growing louder each day. At its core, clean energy, which includes sources like solar and hydrogen, is essential because it generates power without the harmful environmental impacts associated with fossil fuel use. This shift is crucial for addressing the global climate crisis, as clean energy significantly reduces our carbon footprint, helping to mitigate climate change and its associated risks.

It’s no surprise that big industries create the most greenhouse gas emissions, making industrial decarbonization a top priority for reaching climate change goals. So have you ever stopped to think about how this green revolution is impacting the glittering world of the entertainment industry? Let's dive into it!

The Shift to Clean Power

What is Clean Power?

Clean mobile power, in a nutshell, refers to mobile energy sources that do not emit harmful pollutants into the environment. This type of power is easily transportable and derived from renewable and sustainable sources such as solar, wind, hydroelectric and geothermal energy. Unlike traditional fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas, clean mobile power sources do not release carbon dioxide or other harmful emissions into the atmosphere, making them environmentally friendly and crucial in the fight against climate change. Clean mobile power consists of technology like Sesame Solar’s renewable Mobile Nanogrids, which are compact, self-contained, mobile energy systems designed to be used in any off-grid or emergency scenario.

The implementation and advancement of clean mobile power is increasingly important as it reduces air pollution, thereby improving public health, while also mitigating the impacts of global warming. Furthermore, the transition to clean energy opens up new job opportunities and drives innovation, while also reducing dependence on imported fuels and enhancing energy security. The move towards renewable energy sources is not just an environmental imperative but also a strategic economic decision. By investing in and prioritizing clean mobile energy, we are taking a significant step towards a more sustainable, healthier, and economically resilient future, ensuring that energy needs are met responsibly and efficiently for current and future generations.

Why the Entertainment Industry is Pivoting

When we think of the entertainment industry, massive film sets, concerts and outdoor events come to mind. All of these require significant power. And as a $2.51 trillion industry, that’s a lot of harmful carbon emissions if clean energy sources are not implemented. With the growing awareness of environmental sustainability, the entertainment world is gradually shifting to eco-friendly alternatives. Besides, who wouldn't want to enjoy a concert or movie knowing it's powered by the sun?

The entertainment industry's pivot towards clean power is driven by several key factors:

  • Environmental Responsibility: The industry is increasingly aware of its environmental impact, particularly in terms of carbon emissions. By adopting clean power, the entertainment sector can significantly reduce its carbon footprint, aligning with global efforts to combat climate change. This shift is in response to both scientific evidence about the impacts of climate change and growing public demand for environmental responsibility.
  • Economic Incentives: Clean energy sources like solar and wind power are becoming more cost-effective, offering long-term savings over traditional fossil fuels. The decreasing cost of renewable energy technologies makes them an attractive option for large-scale operations like film studios, theme parks and concert venues
  • Brand Image and Public Perception: Utilizing clean power enhances a company's brand image, appealing to a consumer base that is increasingly environmentally conscious. By adopting sustainable practices, entertainment companies can improve their public perception and attract a broader audience.
  • Regulatory Compliance and Incentives: Governments around the world are introducing regulations and incentives to encourage the use of clean energy. The entertainment industry, like other sectors, is adapting to these changes to ensure compliance and take advantage of financial incentives for using renewable energy.
  • Innovation and Technological Advancements: The entertainment industry is often at the forefront of adopting new technologies. With advancements in renewable energy, including more efficient solar panels and wind turbines, the industry is leveraging these technologies to power productions, events and facilities.
  • Sustainability Goals: Many companies in the entertainment industry have set ambitious sustainability goals. Switching to clean power is a tangible way for these companies to meet their environmental targets and contribute to global sustainability efforts.

Clean Mobile Power in the Entertainment Industry

One key area of transitioning to net-zero emissions in the entertainment industry is through clean mobile power solutions. Recently, entertainment industry leaders, including Netflix and The Walt Disney Company, pledged to reduce half their carbon emissions by 2030. This requires alternatives to diesel generators, which account for roughly 15 percent of a production’s overall emissions and contribute the equivalent of 700,000 tons of carbon emissions into the atmosphere each year (RMI, 2023).

Clean mobile power solutions, like Sesame Solar’s renewable Mobile Nanogrids, open the door to countless benefits for the entertainment industry.

  • Cost Savings: While the initial investment may be higher, the long-term savings are undeniable. Renewable energy sources, over time, are more cost efficient than constantly buying fuel for generators.
  • Environmentally Friendly: It goes without saying: less pollution, happier planet. By transitioning to clean mobile power, the entertainment industry reduces its carbon footprint, making every show or film a win for both the audience and the environment.
  • Increased Flexibility: By combining renewable and mobile energy solutions, the possibilities are endless. Shooting a film in a remote desert? No problem. Solar panels have got your back. Implementing systems that have a closed loop of clean energy creates more autonomy and less reliance on fossil fuel supplies.

Overall, the entertainment industry's pivot towards clean power is a reflection of broader societal shifts in the direction of environmental sustainability, economic practicality and technological innovation.

Adopting new technologies, like clean mobile power, means learning how to use them effectively. It's like switching from a flip phone to the latest smartphone. Intimidating at first, but oh so rewarding in the end! With technological advancements and increasing awareness about sustainability, the shift to clean mobile power in entertainment is only expected to accelerate. So, will movie sets of the future look more like green energy hubs? Only time will tell.


  • What is clean mobile power? Clean mobile power refers to portable energy solutions that don't emit harmful pollutants.
  • Why is the entertainment industry moving towards clean power? Besides being environmentally friendly, it's also cost-effective in the long run.
  • Are solar panels the only form of clean mobile power? No, there are other forms like battery packs charged with renewable energy and wind-powered solutions.
  • What are the challenges in transitioning to clean power? Initial investment costs and the learning curve associated with new technologies.
  • Who are the pioneers in adopting clean power in entertainment? Many leading entertainment companies and production houses are investing in renewable energy, setting a precedent for the industry. Sesame Solar recently joined the Clean Mobile Power Cohort to support the entertainment industry’s transition to zero-emissions. This cohort was launched in June 2023 by Netflix and The Walt Disney Company, with support from Rocky Mountain Institute and Third Derivative. 

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