Case Studies
Our mission is to make renewably-powered, mobile Nanogrids fast to deploy, easy-to-use and available anytime, anywhere. Through our innovative, purpose-driven, fossil-fuel-free technology, we believe we can help communities become more climate resilient.
Sesame Solar in Action
Sesame Solar Nanogrids are shipped ready-to-use and fast to deploy. Our Solutions Inside are fully energy independent and serve a variety of use cases.

U.S. Air Force’s Medical and Security Centers
Sesame Solar has an AFWERX SBIR Phase II contract with the U.S. Air Force to make mobile, solar + green hydrogen-powered medical and security center Nanogrids that can be rapidly deployed and easily operated, require minimal training and have sufficient energy autonomy to execute missions in remote areas for extended periods of time, without the need for fossil fuels.
Powering Grand Fond, Dominica Clinic After Hurricane Maria
Sesame Solar worked with Direct Relief, the largest U.S. medical charity, to provide a Mobile Nanogrid to support a medical clinic in the remote community of Grand Fond after Hurricane Maria rocked Dominica in 2017. The Mobile Nanogrid was configured with a retractable solar array, battery storage and electronics, Wi-Fi communications, a rainwater water filtration system, storage, refrigeration for medicine and a furnished workspace for patient triage. It has export power generation sufficient to power and charge a wide range of medical and communication devices. It was also filled with medical supplies and humanitarian aid from Direct Relief.

Sesame Solar and Pallet Shelter Demonstrate Innovative Rapid Shelter Solution for Disaster Relief
Sesame Solar partnered with Pallet Shelter on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. to demonstrate how mobile, 100% renewable energy can power pop-up shelters and provide a more sustainable approach to disaster relief. For this demonstration, Pallet set up 9 shelters in a couple of hours, and Sesame Solar drove up its Mobile Nanogrid to provide power within 15 minutes using solar, green hydrogen and battery storage. Sesame and Pallet’s innovative, made in the USA Solutions for disaster response provide critical infrastructure for emergency responders and/or shelter to those facing evacuation.

Comcast’s Crisis Response Offices
After Hurricane Ida, communications company Comcast sought to quickly set up Crisis Response Centers. The company deployed Sesame Solar Mobile Nanogrids in Houma and LaPlace, Louisiana, opening them in Home Depot parking lots to provide pop-up offices for cell phone purchases and emergency assistance, power to Comcast vans that provided Wi-Fi, and power to large trailers containing toilet and shower facilities.
Learn How to Get Tax Credits
As part of the Inflation Reduction Act, Sesame Solar Nanogrids qualify for 30% tax credits and/or direct payments. If deployed in disadvantaged communities or tribal nations, tax credits and/or direct payments may increase up to 50%.